Author(s): Yuri V. Bobryshev
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Author(s): Juliana Marulanda, Saleh Alqarni and Monzur Murshed
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Author(s): Mikhail Konoplyannikov and Maria Nurminskaya
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Author(s): Yuri V. Bobryshev, Alexander N. Orekhov, Igor Sobenin and Dimitry A. Chistiakov
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Author(s): Shyamal Palit and Jessica Kendrick
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Author(s): Jonathan Golledge
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Author(s): Yvonne Nitschke and Frank Rutsch
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Author(s): Belinda A. Di Bartolo and Mary M. Kavurma
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Author(s): Giacomo Buso, Elisabetta Faggin, Paolo Pauletto and Marcello Rattazzi
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Author(s): Dimitry A. Chistiakov, Igor A. Sobenin, Alexander N. Orekhov and Yuri V. Bobryshev
Pages: 5870-5883 (14)
Author(s): Igor A. Sobenin, Veronica A. Myasoedova, Elena V. Anisimova, Xenia N. Pavlova, Stefan Mohlenkamp, Axel Schmermund, Rainer Seibel, Sina Berenbein, Nils Lehmann, Susanne Moebus, KarlHeinz Jockel, Alexander N. Orekhov and Raimund Erbel
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Author(s): Mattia Albiero, Angelo Avogaro and Gian Paolo Fadini
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Author(s): Dieter Ory, Sofie Celen, Alfons Verbruggen and Guy Bormans
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Author(s): Gerasimos Siasos, Dimitris Tousoulis, Evangelos Oikonomou, Konstantinos Maniatis, Stamatios Kioufis, Eleni Kokkou, Manolis Vavuranakis, Marina Zaromitidou, Eva Kassi, Antigoni Miliou and Christodoulos Stefanadis
Pages: 5914-5918 (5)