Author(s): Michel Reynaud and Laurent Karila
Pages: 1321-1322 (2)
Author(s): Laurent Karila, Kathleen M. Carroll and Michel Reynaud
Pages: 1320-1320 (1)
Author(s): Steven M. Edwards, George A. Kenna, Robert M. Swift and Lorenzo Leggio
Pages: 1323-1332 (10)
Author(s): Benjamin Rolland, Laurent Karila, Dewi Guardia and Olivier Cottencin
Pages: 1333-1342 (10)
Author(s): Henri-Jean Aubin, Laurent Karila and Michel Reynaud
Pages: 1343-1350 (8)
Author(s): A. M. Weinstein and David A. Gorelick
Pages: 1351-1358 (8)
Author(s): Laurent Karila, Michel Reynaud, Henri-Jean Aubin, Benjamin Rolland, Dewi Guardia, Olivier Cottencin and Amine Benyamina
Pages: 1359-1368 (10)
Author(s): L. Karila, E. Seringe, A. Benyamina and M. Reynaud
Pages: 1369-1375 (7)
Author(s): M. Meini, M. Moncini, D. Cecconi, V. Cellesi, L. Biasci, G. Simoni, M. Ameglio, M. Pellegrini, R. N. Forgione and P. Rucci
Pages: 1376-1383 (8)
Author(s): Amine Benyamina, Michel Reynaud, Lisa Blecha and Laurent Karila
Pages: 1384-1388 (5)
Author(s): Sophia Achab and Yasser Khazaal
Pages: 1389-1395 (7)
Author(s): Dewi Guardia, Benjamin Rolland, Laurent Karila and Olivier Cottencin
Pages: 1396-1409 (14)
Author(s): Gabriel Thorens, Joel Billieux, Rita Manghi, Riaz Khan, Yasser Khazaal and Daniele Fabio Zullino
Pages: 1410-1415 (6)