Author(s): Gerald Munch and Grant Stuchbury
Pages: 659-660 (2)
Author(s): Taisuke Tomita and Takeshi Iwatsubo
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Author(s): Mohammed El Mouedden, Marc Vandermeeren, Theo Meert and Marc Mercken
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Author(s): Michael R. D`Andrea and Robert G. Nagele
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Author(s): Christopher W. Gregory, Craig S. Atwood, Mark A. Smith and Richard L. Bowen
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Author(s): Kate M. Webber, Gemma Casadesus, Xiongwei Zhu, Mark E. Obrenovich, Craig S. Atwood, George Perry, Richard L. Bowen and Mark A. Smith
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Author(s): P. Hajieva and C. Behl
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Author(s): Anke Huber, Grant Stuchbury, Alexander Burkle, Jim Burnell and Gerald Munch
Pages: 705-717 (13)
Author(s): G. E. Ringheim and A. M. Szczepanik
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Author(s): Morin Christophe and Simon Nicolas
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Author(s): Mauro Maccarrone
Pages: 759-772 (14)