Nicolas Huang* Pages 2349 - 2363 ( 15 )
Rheology, the study of the flow and deformation of matter, can be a daunting subject for scientists new to this field. However, its importance in characterization and optimization of formulations is indisputable. This review intends to provide basic and practical rheological notions in order to better understand the key concepts such as shear stress, shear rate, viscosity, elastic and viscous moduli and phase angle, and learn to distinguish between flow and oscillation experiments. We will explain the different rheological behaviors such as shear thinning, thixotropy or viscoelasticity. Throughout this review, these concepts will be illustrated with examples taken from pharmaceutical and cosmetic formulations. Rheology is a broad subject and this review does not intend to be comprehensive, but rather to be concise and pedagogical.
Rheology, viscosity, viscoelasticity, formulation, pharmaceutics, cosmetics.
Institut Galien Paris-Sud, CNRS UMR 8612, Univ Paris-Sud, Universite Paris-Saclay, Faculte de Pharmacie