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Article Details

Nanoparticle-Based Combination Therapy for Cancer Treatment

[ Vol. 21 , Issue. 22 ]


Ji Young Yhee, Sejin Son, Hyukjin Lee and Kwangmeyung Kim   Pages 3158 - 3166 ( 9 )


In recent years, combination of different types of therapies using nanoparticles has emerged as an advanced strategy for cancer treatment. Most of all, combination of chemotherapeutic drug and siRNA in nanoformulation has shown a great potential, because siRNA-mediated specific gene silencing can compensate for the incomplete anti-cancer actions of chemotherapy. In this article, nanoparticle-based combination therapy for cancer treatment is introduced to be focused on the therapeutic chemical and siRNA combination. It is classified into 3 groups: 1) general chemotherapy combined with siRNA carrying nanoparticle, 2) co-delivery of chemical and siRNA therapeutics within a single nanoparticle, and 3) Use of multiple nanoparticles for chemical and siRNA therapeutics. The purpose of the combination and the mechanisms of anti-cancer action was described according to the categories. Examples of some recent developments of nanotechnology-based chemo- and siRNA- therapeutics combination therapy are summarized for better understanding of its practical application.


Cancer, combination therapy, nanoparticle, targeted drug delivery.


, , , Center for Theragnosis, Biomedical Research Center, Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST), Hwarangno 14-gil 6, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul 136-791, South Korea.

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