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Article Details

Use of Cytokines in Cancer Vaccines/Immunotherapy: Recent Developments Improve Survival Rates for Patients with Metastatic Malignancy

[ Vol. 11 , Issue. 27 ]


S. Dezfouli, I. Hatzinisiriou and S. J. Ralph   Pages 3511 - 3530 ( 20 )


Historically, patients with disseminated cancer have had poor prognoses and chemotherapy has been of little benefit. However, several different avenues of clinical research are providing reasons for hope. The advent of cytokine immunotherapy, particularly in combination with chemotherapy (biochemotherapy) has seen significantly improved outcomes for metastatic disease. Early biochemotherapy trials often revealed more than 20% complete responses. Unfortunately, Phase III trials have not confirmed earlier expectations for reasons that are not clear, but may reflect the inclusion of patients with refractory brain or other metastases in later trials. More recently, cancer vaccine therapies have provided significantly improved patient survival rates. It is not uncommon for 5-year survival rates of post-surgical patients recovering from metastatic malignancy who receive cancer vaccine therapy to reach more than 50%. Cytokines have become an integral part of cancer therapy and are also under trial together with cancer vaccines as post-surgical adjuvant therapies providing significant gains in long term survival rates. New insights from several different areas of research into the properties of tumour cells and their significance for immunosurveillance point to the importance of the tumour cells themselves as antigen presenting cells. Recent developments with genetically deficient animals and cancer cells have provided greater understanding at the molecular level of the importance of a functioning antigen presenting system operating inside tumour cells. This new knowledge offers support for further enhancing patient survival by combining previous therapies such as use of cytokines in biochemotherapy together with immunization using cytokine activated whole cell cancer vaccines in the future.


cytokines,immunotherapy,cancer vaccines,immune surveillance,patient survival,response rates


, , School of Medical Science, Griffith University Gold Coast Campus, PMB 50 Gold Coast Mail Centre,Queensland 9726 Australia.

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