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Article Details

Heparin - a Key Drug in the Treatment of the Circulatory Degenerative Diseases: Controlling its Action with Polymers

[ Vol. 18 , Issue. 18 ]


Krzysztof Szczubialka, Kamil Kaminski, Katarzyna Zasada, Anna Karewicz and Maria Nowakowska   Pages 2591 - 2606 ( 16 )


The properties of heparin, a key anticoagulant, are reviewed. The important issues in heparinotherapy, i.e., reaching quick anticoagulant effect, maintaining therapeutic level of anticoagulation, heparin inhibition and non-invasive heparin formulations have been reviewed and discussed, with the focus on the role of polymeric substances in the proposed solutions.


Heparin, anticoagulation, unfractionated heparin, low molecular weight heparin, heparin reversal, noninvasive delivery, heparinotherapy,heparin inhibition,polymeric substances,glycosaminoglycans (GAGs)


Faculty of Chemistry, Jagiellonian University, Ingardena 3, 30-060 Krakow, Poland.

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