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Article Details

Ultrasound Contrast Agents: Updated Data on Safety Profile

[ Vol. 18 , Issue. 15 ]


C. Aggeli, I. Felekos, G. Siasos, D. Tousoulis and C. Stefanadis   Pages 2253 - 2258 ( 6 )


Contrast echocardiography represents a major technological advancement in the constantly evolving field of cardiovascular imaging. Over the last twenty years numerous studies have been published, illustrating the incremental value of contrast implementation into a variety of clinical scenarios. However, serious concerns have been raised about contrast safety profile, mainly based on postmarketing observational data and several animal studies. The latter have investigated contrast bio effects under experimental conditions that are not consistent with daily clinical practice. On the other hand, numerous clinical trials with large registries have proven otherwise. Not only contrast agents are efficient, but they also demonstrate a remarkable safety profile. So the question is: should we fear contrast utilization or should we consider them as an adjunctive and indispensable clinical tool for daily bedside practice?


Contrast echocardiography, safety


14 Argyrokastrou St, Vrilissia, P.O 15235, Athens, Greece.

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