Ranjna C. Dutta Pages 761 - 769 ( 9 )
Ever since pure molecular entities have been adapted as drug, varied manifestations other than elimination of infections are frequently been acknowledged as side effects. Contemporary drug research focuses on these issues besides developing new molecules for the restoration of unnatural functional deviations in various tissues and organs. The most promising advancement to achieve this concept of ideal drug is the encapsulation of drug in biocompatible nano or microspheres. Encapsulation can insulate the toxic drugs and lease a better half life to molecules undergoing spontaneous degradation under physiological conditions. It is also worthwhile to incorporate along some immunomodulators to strengthen and channelize the innate immune response of the host in right direction. This holistic approach would also prevent the physiological modulations dictated by invading pathogens, which paralyze the important functionaries of the host. Lipoproteins, lipid like molecules and probiotic non-colonizing bacterial membrane mimics might prove to be the best ingredients for encapsulation. Some synthetic non-immunogenic supra molecules like fullarenes and dendrimers also exhibit great potential for the development of new encapsulation technology. Here an attempt is made to review the progress in terms of aims and achievements in the area of drug carriers and encapsulation with its overall impact on therapeutic industry.
Drug carriers,liposomes,fullerenes,dendrimers,drug-conjugates