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Article Details

3D Modelling of Three Pro-Inflammatory Molecules in Selected Fish Species

[ Vol. 16 , Issue. 38 ]


Susan Costantini, Angelo M. Facchiano, Elisa Randelli, Daniela Casani, Giuseppe Scapigliati and Francesco Buonocore   Pages 4203 - 4212 ( 10 )


The inflammatory response is the reaction of all Metazoan organisms to pathogen invasion that initiates when pathogenderived molecules are recognized by specific pattern recognition receptors expressed mainly on cells of the innate immune system. The successive expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines and chemokines limits pathogen spread, and attracts and activates immune cells to help in the elimination of the invaders. In this paper we focused on the analyses of the 3D structures of three pro-inflammatory molecules (interleukin-1β, tumor necrosis factor-α, interleukin-8) from selected Teleost fish species (Oncorhynchus mykiss, Dicentrarchus labrax, Chionodraco hamatus) generated using as template models those of experimental homologous proteins. These structures were discussed with the aim to investigate the differences between them and mammalian counterparts and, moreover, to verify the presence of the structural requirements for their biological activities, known mainly in mammals.


Teleosts,3D modelling,IL-1,TNF,IL-8,evolution,biological activity


, , , , , Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Tuscia, Largo dell'Universita s.n.c., I-01100 Viterbo, Italy.

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