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Research Article

Matrine-loaded Nano-liposome Induces Apoptosis in Human Esophageal-squamous Carcinoma KYSE-150 Cells

[ Vol. 30 , Issue. 29 ]


Kai Zhao*, Yun Cai, Faisal Raza, Hajra Zafar, Liang Pan, Xifeng Zheng, Wenjie Xu, Ran Li, Feng Shi* and Yongbin Ma*   Pages 2303 - 2312 ( 10 )


Introduction: Esophageal-squamous Cell Carcinoma (ESCC) is often diagnosed at the middle or late stage, thus requiring more effective therapeutic strategies. Pharmacologically, the anti-tumor activity of the principal active constituent of Sophora flavescens, matrine (MA), has been explored widely. Notwithstanding, it is significant to nanotechnologically enhance the anti-tumor activity of MA in view of its potential to distribute non-tumor cells.

Methods: Herein, MA-loaded Nano-Liposomes (MNLs) were prepared to enhance the effect of anti-ESCC. The MNL showed a smaller sized particle (25.95 ± 1.02 nm) with a low polydispersed index (PDI = 0.130 ± 0.054), uniform spherical morphology, good solution stability, and encapsulated efficiency (65.55% ± 2.47). Furthermore, we determined the characteristics of KYSE-150 cells by cell viability assay, IC50, Mitochondrial Membrane Potential (MMP), Western blot, and apoptotic analysis, which indicated that MNLs down-regulated the cell viability and IC50 in a concentration-dependent manner and induced a significant change in JC-1 fluorescence from red to green.

Results: The above observations resulted in increased Bax and Caspase-3 levels, coupled with a substantial decrease in Bcl-2 and apoptotic promotion at the advanced stage compared with MA.

Conclusion: Based on these results, MNLs may serve as a more effective and promising therapeutic option for ESCC.


Matrine, nano-liposome, esophageal-squamous, apoptosis, KYSE-150, nanoliposome.


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